Sausage Gravy

Its was a lazy Sunday at home this week, so it was the perfect time for some biscuits and gravy. If the hubby had his way, I would make them every week.

I have fond memories as a kid of my Dad taking my sisters and me out to breakfast on Friday’s before school. I always ordered the biscuits and gravy. In fact, I think we all had a plate. But the weird thing is when I go out for breakfast now, I always get pancakes. I guess nothing will be as good as that gravy, family time, and the memories.

My recipe is pretty basic and probably similar to the other recipes out there, but I like to brown the butter before the sausage goes in. I think it gives it a little something extra. If you haven’t browned butter before, be sure to surf the web for instructions or videos so you can see how the butter should look.


  • 1 Tablespoons Salted Butter
  • 1 lb Ground Sausage
  • 4 Tablespoons Flour
  • 3 cups Whole Milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon Pepper (to taste)

Biscuits – homemade or refrigerated


Cut the sausage up to small pieces and have on plate ready to put in the pan once the butter is browned.

In a large skillet over medium heat, add butter to melt. Stir or move butter around pan as it melts. It will start to foam and sizzle around the edges as it cooks. Continue to stir. The butter will turn golden and the foaming will subside as the milk solids on the bottom of the pan begin to toast, smelling buttery and nutty. It only takes a couple minutes, so be sure not to burn the butter. Once browned, add the sausage to the pan right away and cook until all the sausage is browned. Keep on medium heat, sprinkle flour over sausage, stir flour allowing it to be cooked and fully absorbed. Add the milk, salt, pepper and continue stirring over medium heat until gravy starts to bubble and thicken about 5-10 minutes.

TIP: I like to use refrigerated biscuits. So if I preheat the oven when the sausage goes in the pan, then the oven is ready for baking by the time I have put the milk in the pan and biscuits on the tray. That gives the gravy plenty of time to thicken up to the way I like by the time the biscuits come out of the oven.